No. 1: A brick wall built with mortar surrounding the vihara and the chedi with a width of 17 metres and a length of 52.40 metres. One entry on each side with a total of 4 entries. The wall was destroyed.
No. 2: A vihara facing west with a width of 11.60 metres and a length of 22 metres with three front doors. The door is 1.65 metres wide, 3.84 metres high and has two side doors, 1.60 metres wide and 2.80 metres tall. At the back, there are two side doors, 1.60 metres wide, 2.80 metres high. The vihara walls are 59 cm thick. There are 20 air vents on the north and south side of the vihara wall, similar to the air vents of the vihara of Wat Maha That. The air vents are 16 cm wide each.
No. 3: The vihara pillars are octagonal brick pillars with a diameter of 73 cm, totalling six together.
No. 4: A brick base enshrined a sandstone Buddha image from the Ayutthaya period, measuring from the top of the Phra Ket to the head, 80 cm high.
No. 5: A pagoda made of bricks, 8 metres in diameter, together with two pieces arranged behind the vihara.
No. 6: The wall of the ubosot in the east is 29 metres from the vihara wall. The wall is 14.40 metres wide and 30 metres long.
No. 7: The ordination hall, 11 metres wide, 24.40 metres long, leaving only the foundation. and has not yet been excavated.
No. 8: The prang is built of brick with sides of 6 metres, about 26 metres from the vihara.
No. 9: A small vihara, 3 metres wide, 6 metres long, about 4 metres high and 27.40 metres from the vihara wall.